Weekly Update 4.1.19

Welcome to April! I thought about creating some elaborate April Fools’ joke to write about today but then realized none of you would ever trust anything I ever wrote again!  No, it is better to play it safe and not try to trick you today.  (Of course, those of you...

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Weekly Update 3.25.19

It’s hard to believe we are in the final week of March!  April is just around the corner with Easter and things are starting to turn green.  It was such a joy to get outside yesterday and enjoy nature! As we turn this final corner in our countdown to Easter,...

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Weekly Update 3.18.19

As we wrapped up 1 Peter yesterday and look toward Easter, I want to encourage you to join us this coming Sunday as Ben Hildebrand shares with us about the ministry being done in northern France.  We can so easily forget about the rest of the world and what God...

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Weekly Update 3.11.19

There is something wonderful about warmer temperatures and longer sunlight! This time of year is one of my favorites (with an extra strong pot of coffee in hand after the time change!).  The weather is beginning to change, the flowers are starting to poke through the dirt, and I suddenly...

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Weekly Update 3.4.19

As much as I dislike snow, I find myself really enjoying the beauty out my office window this morning.  One can’t help but enjoy the pristine elegance of white fields dotted by snow covered trees.  I know it will melt and turn to slush but for the moment even I,...

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Weekly Update 2.25.19

As we turn the corner into March this week, we enter into the countdown to Easter!  This is by far the biggest Sunday of the year for the Church around the world.  Easter, in fact, is the reason we gather week by week on Sundays.  Jesus arose on a Sunday...

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Weekly Update 2.18.19

We started our service yesterday singing the line God “brings our chaos back into order” and that indeed felt like the theme of the morning for me!  But what good chaos is was, for the most part.  Six baptism with six extremely enthusiastic youths!  While the sound system had a...

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Weekly Update 2.4.19

Yesterday was an important day in my relationship with my wife.  It was eight years ago on February 3rd I got down on one knee and asked her a very important question  – where she wanted to go for dinner 🙂  No, I got down on one knee in a...

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Weekly Update 1.28.19

I sat down with my phone last night and opened my calendar app.  As I sat on the couch scrolling day-by-day through the coming week, I mentally thought through the appointments and events to prepare for what was to come.  I tend to do this most Sunday evenings—look at where...

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Weekly Update 1.21.19

Dear HBIC Church Family, They say January can be one of the most depressing months of the year.  Between the cold, the dark, and the post holiday slump, a lot of people find themselves kind of dragging their feet through January. But have no fear!  There are plenty of things...

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