I sat down with my phone last night and opened my calendar app. As I sat on the couch scrolling day-by-day through the coming week, I mentally thought through the appointments and events to prepare for what was to come. I tend to do this most Sunday evenings—look at where the coming week with take me and try my best to anticipate what needs to be done. Essentially, I like to know where I’m going. Don’t you? I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking through the coming week and wondering if I know what is coming and if I will survive the days ahead. (ok, so most of the survival questions come in tandem with Allan-oriented things such as “will I survive parenting a three-year-old” but you get the point!).
The “where are we going” question is one that we all ask throughout the day, the week, the month, throughout our entire lives. What is the purpose of the current situation and where is it taking me? As we began our walk through 1 Peter yesterday, this was the very thing Peter starts to address. He wants the reader to know, without a doubt, here is our destination… here is where we are going if we know Jesus! And knowing where our ultimate destination is helps to get us through the here and now! I hope you’re looking forward to seeing where Peter wants us to go next! Feel free to read the rest of chapter 1 this week if you’d like to get a jump start!
On another topic, thank you to those of you who joined us for our annual meeting yesterday. I know these events are never the highlight of anyone’s social season but they are important and your feedback is so helpful for the Leadership Team as we make decisions and seek God’s will for our church. At the meeting yesterday, we handed out a congregational survey. I am already starting to process through the results but would love more feedback. If you took your survey home with you yesterday, please feel free to complete it and return it to me or my church mailbox this coming week. If you were not at the meeting and would like to share your input, please grab a survey at the welcome center on Sunday. We’d love to hear from everyone!
I hope you have a great week! Remember that no matter what you are facing this week, it is only for “a little while” as Jesus calls us to our ultimate destination with Him!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan