As much as I dislike snow, I find myself really enjoying the beauty out my office window this morning. One can’t help but enjoy the pristine elegance of white fields dotted by snow covered trees. I know it will melt and turn to slush but for the moment even I, the snow hater, can enjoy it! There’s something special about this type of all-encompassing snow as we enter into the Lenten season this week. As we turn our eyes to the cross and an empty tomb, we are reminded of Jesus washing us white as snow (see Isaiah 1:18). These were challenging verses to apply when living in the south as they almost never saw snow. But here in the frozen north, we can joyfully appreciate the beauty of this snow and the spiritual reminder it brings us this time of year. I hope you will join us over the next seven weeks as we gather each Wednesday night to look with expectancy at the cross and a Risen Savior!
Many of you have been asking for updates on the various “projects” ongoing in the church office. The new HVAC system will be installed this week (hooray for heat!). After reviewing several quotes, the trustees and Leadership team accepted the proposal from Home Climates. The new system, which will be a hybrid of natural gas and a heat pump, will cost $9,000. We are thankful that we have these funds in our Reserve Account but we also need to be aware of the need to replenish these funds as we are able so that we are prepared for the next emergency. Thank to all of you who continue to give of your finances regularly! I am always amazed at how God provides through each of you!
As for the bank fraud, things continue to move slowly. There is a lot involved in this process and none of it happens quickly. At this point, all of our bills are up to date, including the ones that had the checks stolen in January. We are still out the $3,500 but as we continue to work with the bank through this process, we hope to see those funds returned to us “soon.”
As we eat our fasnachts tomorrow and enter Lent on Wednesday, consider taking a picture of yourself. Not a “selfie” but a spiritual snapshot if you will. Take a mental note of who you are in Christ and where you are in your walk with Him now. And then over the next 40 days, I would encourage you to challenge yourself in whatever area God is calling you to grow. When we gather to worship and praise a Risen Jesus on Easter, take another “now” snapshot. My hope and prayer is that you will be able to see how God has grown you. Let us not become content with where we are at…rather let us push ourselves to listen and follow the Holy Spirit that we might become more fully mature in our faith and walk with Jesus!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan