There is something wonderful about warmer temperatures and longer sunlight! This time of year is one of my favorites (with an extra strong pot of coffee in hand after the time change!). The weather is beginning to change, the flowers are starting to poke through the dirt, and I suddenly have time even after eating dinner to go out and enjoy some sunlight!
As winter matures into spring, my hope is that this physical picture of nature reflects each of us spiritually. That we are growing and maturing each day and each week as we pursue Christ. That as the days get longer with more sunlight, we too would grow “longer” with more of the Son’s Light.
It’s hard to pinpoint objective measurements but I feel like over the past few weeks, God has been at work in my life and I pray He’s been at work in your life as well! I pray we are all feeling more of the Son’s Light in us as we enter into the spring and Easter seasons! Let us all continue to pray John the Baptists words that we looked at this past Wednesday— “I must decrease so that Jesus may become greater” in me!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan