Weekly Update 3.25.19

It’s hard to believe we are in the final week of March!  April is just around the corner with Easter and things are starting to turn green.  It was such a joy to get outside yesterday and enjoy nature!

As we turn this final corner in our countdown to Easter, I am excited to start a new sermon series.  Over the next several weeks, we will be looking at Lee Strobel’s book The Case for Christ.  Strobel is a renown journalist who decided to disprove Christianity.  His attempts backfired as he encountered Jesus in a personal way!  In his book, he looks at not only the biblical description of Jesus but also the historical and cultural evidences of who Jesus was and the validity of the resurrection.  We will be spending time looking at Strobel’s research paired with the gospel accounts to enhance our understanding and beliefs of who Jesus was and is in our lives as we come to the empty tomb.  If you’ve never read the book, no worries!  We will be doing a “flyby overview” and not necessarily going chapter by chapter.  If you are interested in going deeper and reading through the chapters, I will have some copies of the book available or you can pick one up on Amazon.  It should be a great time of study together!

Also coming up in April is the Chicken BBQ.  It’s a little early this year but we should be the 1st one of the season and sell out early!  Be sure to talk with Lisa Groff to preorder your tickets and sign up to volunteer on April 27th.  The more help, the more fun we all have!

Allison and I wanted to again thank everyone for your kind gifts at our baby shower!  We are so excited for Bailey to arrive in just a few short weeks and meet our amazing church family!  She is already so loved and spoiled with the awesome gifts you all bought her. Someone even bought her brother this “big brother” tshirt…but didn’t put their name on the package when they had Amazon send it to our house.  If this is from you, please let us know as we’d love to properly thank you 🙂

Have a great week!  Hopefully I’ll see you all on Wednesday night for dinner at 6:00 and then our interactive prayer stations at 6:45 (I know you don’t know what that means but trust me, you should come!).


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan