We started our service yesterday singing the line God “brings our chaos back into order” and that indeed felt like the theme of the morning for me! But what good chaos is was, for the most part. Six baptism with six extremely enthusiastic youths! While the sound system had a few issues at first and the HVAC system in the office finally kicked the can, it was nevertheless a great morning yesterday as we celebrated the step of faith these kids took in their walk with Jesus. I hope you had the opportunity to rejoice with them after service yesterday!
I wanted to thank the teams who were here before service yesterday. There was indeed A LOT of chaos going on as the worship team practiced, the Sunday School teachers did their final prep, and the trustees dealt with the water flowing down from the attic into the office hallway. But everyone stepped up to do what needed to be done and by the time our worship service began, God, through each person’s diligent service, brought order to our chaos and we were able to give Him the glory as we worshiped!
We ended the service yesterday singing “it’s my joy to honor You” and realizing that this is a hard statement to make when, to honor God, Peter argues we are called to honor and respect everyone. I personally was challenged in how I look at others and how I love others. I suspect it was a challenging sermon for many of us. However, I want to share an encouragement with you today that just because you and I find Peter’s word challenging does not mean we need to be challenged in meeting the fullness of his implications on our own. Yes—to live as he calls us to live is indeed going to be difficult. There can be no doubt of that. But we are not alone in this! God calls us to be royalty in submission to the world AND THEN SENDS HIS SPIRIT TO BE IN US! We are not alone in this by any means. No, the real challenge yesterday was not how can I love, respect, and honor everyone but instead how can I submit myself to God’s Holy Spirit within me and allow Him to show me how to live out this calling. It is not a me-thing, it’s a God-in-me-thing. So be encouraged…you can not do this thing alone but you are by no means alone…you have God on your side to show you what to do. We just need to be open and listening as He guides us!
Have a wonderful week following Him!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan