Weekly Update 1.21.19

Dear HBIC Church Family,

They say January can be one of the most depressing months of the year.  Between the cold, the dark, and the post holiday slump, a lot of people find themselves kind of dragging their feet through January.

But have no fear!  There are plenty of things to keep you hopping through the coming weeks and all through the winter months!  Let me highlight a few things to keep you exciting and energized…

Starting this coming Sunday, we are beginning a new sermon series through the book of 1 Peter.  All throughout his letter, Peter makes references to our temporary status here on earth…our real home, our ultimate destination, is with Jesus in heaven.  Likewise, these winter doldrums are but temporary!  Grab your bible this week and read the first chapter of 1 Peter (or the whole book if you’d like!) .  Not only will you be getting a jumpstart on this week’s sermon, you’ll also be doing your homework from yesterday’s message…two birds!

Not only will this Sunday be the start of our new sermon series but it is also our annual church meeting.  Yes, these gatherings can historically be boring but that doesn’t have to be the case for us at HBIC.  As we finish our worship service Sunday, we will take a brief five minute break and then launch into our meeting time together.  We will review where we’ve been in 2018 and where we see the church going in 2019 both financially and in ministry.  We are all in this together.  God has called us here as a church family.  Let’s look briefly at the numbers together and then continue to worship God and celebrate what He is doing in us and through us as a body of believers!

If you can’t wait for Sunday for the fellowship with one another and time with God, you don’t have to!  This Wednesday is our next Dwelling Place.  Join us in the Prayer Room downstairs at 7pm for a time of worship, reflection, and prayer.

These are just the highlights of the coming week but there is much more going on throughout the week.  If you’re looking to get active, come out on Monday night at 6:30 for our Sports Ministry program.  There’s dinner, basketball, and even board games for those who don’t like running a ball up and down the court!  It’s a great way to connect with others and meet people in our community.  And if one night of basketball isn’t enough, come out Friday at 8 pm for a men’s basketball gathering.  If you’re looking for something a little more low key consider joining in on the Ladies’ Tea happening Tuesday, February 26th, or the Dutch Apple Dinner Theater outing on Sunday, March 31st. Lots to do!  Don’t let the winter months pull you down! Get out, get active.  Come worship, come fellowship, come get excited & energized!

In Christ Alone,

   Pastor Jan