Welcome to April! I thought about creating some elaborate April Fools’ joke to write about today but then realized none of you would ever trust anything I ever wrote again! No, it is better to play it safe and not try to trick you today. (Of course, those of you who know me best are wondering if this admission is actually a decoy and everything from here forward really is going to be an elaborate prank…who can really know!)
Yesterday we launched our new series walking through Lee Strobel’s book The Case for Christ. For those of you who were here, I pray it was an encouraging time as we took a step back and simply reevaluated some things we think we know but maybe don’t know as well as we could. If you missed the message, the sermon should be online sometime today…if our website stops messing with me. Apparently it is playing an April Fools’ joke on me and not letting me upload first thing this morning… but I will prevail!
I’m excited to continue this study as we come into Easter and hopefully walk away from our time being uplifted in our faith and grounded in facts all at the same time. For those of you who have chosen to read along, we will be looking through chapters 4-6 this coming week in what I am calling “Case for Verification.”
There is so much going on over the next several weeks…almost all of which includes food! If you get through April hungry, it’s your own fault! Join us for dinner and worship this Wednesday at 6:00 pm (as well as 4/10 & 4/17), Coffee and Donuts this Friday from 7:00—9:00 am, Palm Sunday Breakfast on April 14 at 9:00 am, and the Chicken BBQ on April 27.
I’d also like to specifically invite you to join us on Friday, April 19th as we watch The Passion of the Christ movie starting at 7:00 pm. This is intended to be a quiet, reflective time as we journey through Good Friday and Jesus’ crucifixion to His glorious resurrection on Sunday. Feel free to join us for the whole two hour movie or just for 15 minutes to pray in silence. The church will be open, come as you have time and feel led by God to do so!
Have a great week! Hope to see you all on Wednesday night…Friday morning…or once again in worship this Sunday!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan