Saul’s Desert

Today in our final walk into the desert… and we find ourselves walking OUT of the desert.  Saul (Paul)’s dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus caused him to flee into a desert of sorts to seek God.  But what we often miss as we read through the story in Acts is what happened next.  […]

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Jesus’ Desert

Who doesn’t love an invitation to go away?  Maybe a trip to the beach… the mountains… some exotic island?  When a close friend or a spouse invites you to go away with them, you feel special and wanted! So how do we respond when God invites us to go away with Him?  The problem is […]

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Moses’ Desert

Moses spent a lot of his life in the desert.  We typically think about the 40 years he spent leading the Israelites through the desert to the Promise Land yet that was actually his send tenure there.  Before Moses became the Moses we know and love, God needed him to spend some time being shaped […]

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Elijah’s Second Desert

It’s amazing how some times you can be going, going, going and feeling fine the whole time and then suddenly you hit a wall and you just can’t go anymore.  It can come out of nowhere yet you’ve run out and are just sitting on “E.”  As we turn our attention to Elijah again this […]

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Elijah’s First Desert

We meet Elijah in the book of 1 Kings.  With no background or real introduction, we encounter a man who passionately does the right thing despite the hardships he knows it will create.  However, the problems don’t end there.  Things go from bad to worse.  Yet ultimately the challenges he faces could be considered gifts […]

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Job’s Desert

Job’s story is a hard one and yet we can learn some really valuable lessons for when we walk through our own deserts.  While Job struggled through his season of hardship, his devotion to God and his willingness to speak openly with God never wavered.

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Jeremiah’s Desert

Jeremiah had an AMAZING calling from God yet lived a very troubled life.  Perhaps you can relate?  You diligently seeking to walk with God, to live for Jesus, yet your life is anything but easy.  You keep finding yourself in what feels like a desert – stuck in the middle of the wilderness and not […]

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