This morning as I was driving the kids to daycare, “The Little Drummer Boy” came on the radio. It’s a song I’ve heard my entire life, one I know by heart. I usually don’t think too much about this particular song…if I’m being honest, it really isn’t one of my favorite of the season. Yet this morning one line of the song struck me and got me thinking. The song says…
“Our finest gifts we bring…to lay before the king”
I began to wonder, do I really bring my “finest” gifts to Jesus? Not just at Christmas time, but all year round—do I give my very best to Jesus? Do I lay all that I have at the feet of my King? We talked one last time about “yielding our thrones” to Jesus as we wrapped up our study of 1 Samuel. It’s one thing to give control of our lives to our King. But are we giving Him our finest gifts as well?
Obviously, we all want to answer with a quick “yes.” Many of us could justify our answer with some of the good things we do, with a list of the ways we give and serve. I know I could. Yet, are they really my finest gifts? Could I not do more for my King?
The reality is that we cannot ever out give our King! Even when we give Him our everything, it doesn’t begin to compare to what He’s given us. As we celebrated communion yesterday, we were reminded of our King who not only loves us and cares for us but gave Himself for us! Our King stepped down from His throne not just to take on flesh, to step into humanity, at Christmas but also to give up His throne for a cross. That’s an exchanges that no one else in all of history has done nor will ever do again! Our King gave us His all, His everything, His very life! Are we, in turn, bringing Him our finest gifts? Are we, in gratitude, laying our everything before our Risen King?
Just a small thought to ponder as we begin this Christmas season in worship together! Our King has come, He is on the Throne, let us come and adore Him!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan