God can speak through anything.  He can take the smallest item, the most random experience, and use it to teach us something about Him.  Today, we spend some time looking at the relationship between Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and ourselves and what two seemingly random things help us to understand more of what our relationship […]

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More Healing

The Eagles won the Super Bowl!  For the past few weeks, I’ve heard Eagles’ fans talking about how they believed the team could do it despite being considered the underdogs.  It’s one thing to claim to believe something but a completely different thing to act on those beliefs.  The Eagles not only believed they could […]

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More Sharing

We’re digging into a deeper relationship, a growing relationship, with God’s Spirit!  We’re listening…we’re seeking…we’re following.  But our relationship with the Spirit doesn’t stop with just Him and us.  As we grow in our fellowship with the Spirit, it should overflow into our relationship with others.  The Church, the Body of Christ, is unified by […]

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Hearing and Receiving More

Communication is a key to growing in any relationship.  So when it comes to our relationship with God, how are we doing with our communication?  We often talk about prayer being our time talking with God; however, if we’re being honest, this tends to be a one-way street.  We have no problem telling God what […]

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Ask for More

We know, as believers, that the Spirit of God lives in us and with us.  Jesus tells us as much in John 14.  But we also would admit that we often struggle to know how to build into our relationship with the Holy Spirit.  How do we depend on Him more and more?  How do […]

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An Invitation to More

With the advent of a fresh new year, we feel the pressure to start off on the right foot.  We make a resolution to do better in the coming year – to do more good, to get “more” healthy, to connect with more people.  Resolutions are about more…and more takes work…and that’s often why we […]

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