Opening the Door for God to Step In

In our final installment of “When God Steps In,” we explore how our emotions and doubts and sometimes cause us to turn and run from God’s presence… and yet, when we push past the tensions and our natural inclinations, when we turn toward God and open the door, God is ready and waiting to step […]

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God the Grower

Today we look back at the church in Corinth. They had some major issues going on within their church but one of them revolved around who was getting the credit for the church growing. The apostle Paul speaks into this debate with a gardening metaphor that both brought their debate into focus as well as […]

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Stuck on a Boat

Have you ever stopped to think about Noah’s story? As kids, many of us heard the story and loved it! Animals, boats, water… what’s not to love? However, when we revisit this beloved “children’s story,” we discover there is A LOT more going on that we remember from Sunday School. Today, we’ll explore just one […]

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When God Steps In

When God steps into our lives, everything changes. But WHY does God choose to step in and WHAT is He stepping into? Today as we begin to explore theses moments when God interjects, we’ll explore the answers to these two big questions from Paul’s words in Ephesians 2.

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