I AM the Resurrection and the Life

When Jesus tells Martha that He is the Resurrection and the Life, she assumes He is talking long term, end of life stuff.  Her brother Lazarus is dead and she knows that one day, in the Last Day, he will live again.  But Jesus has something so much more in mind for Lazarus… and for […]

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I AM the Good Shepherd

We’ve all see the pictures.  Jesus is standing in the middle of a grassy field surrounded by sheep.  In His arms, He is holding a small lamb.  It is a picture of peace and serenity, of tender love and care. But is that all that Jesus wanted us to envision when He utilized this imagery […]

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I AM the Door

Jesus finally uses a metaphor we comprehend today without any pause – He is the door.  We uses doors all day, every day.  We immediately understand the word picture that He is painting about being the way into eternity.  But past understanding the imagery, how do we really feel about the concept?  Jesus as the […]

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I AM the Light of the World

We all know how comforting a nightlight can be one  dark night.  But is that what Jesus was telling us when He calls Himself the light of the world?  That He has come to make us feel better on dark, stormy nights?  While Jesus offer us His reassuring presence, this identifying statement is an invitation […]

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I AM the Bread of Life

When Moses meets God in the burning bush, God identifies Himself as “I AM who I AM.”  So when Jesus shows up on the scene and starts using these same words, it gets our attention to say the least.  Who is Jesus? Never is there a better time to ask this question than during the […]

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