Imagine a world where, instead of being infected with germs, we were instead “infected” with health! Wouldn’t that be something! In the final set of questions in the book of Haggai, God draws our attention to how holiness isn’t contagious while sin is – and then Jesus comes along and disrupts the status quo!
Did your mom always tell you how great your macaroni art was? Did she always tell you were the best musician or athlete? When our parents were being nurturing, they would encourage our talents. But sometimes, if we’re honest, our attempts were something only our mothers could love. As we turn to the second chapter […]
What comes first? That’s the question God poses to the Israelites 18 years after they return from the Exile. For 4 years, the were on track pursuing God… then for the next 14 years, well, not so much. Even though this question and these events happened almost 2600 years ago, the question still extends to […]