Slowing Down & Rabbi Neal

Today, Pastor Jan shares thoughts on slowing down, being more observant, and finding peace in this season. Rabbi Neal from Chosen People Ministries also joins us to share about his ministry as well as some of the historic barriers to Jews coming to faith in Jesus their Messiah.    

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Breaking Barriers: Religion

Today, we break past formalized religion and are reminded that Jesus is calling us into something different…He’s calling us into a relationship with Him.  It is this relationship that will make all the difference! (The service starts at 3:16 of the video…feel free to skip ahead)

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Breaking Barriers: Assumptions

You take all the information you have, everything you know, and find there are still holes.  There are things you just don’t know.  So what do you do?  You make an educated guess… you make an assumption.  We all do it.  Sometimes we’re right and sometimes we’re wrong.  When it comes to sharing our faith, […]

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Breaking Barriers: Comfort

As we continue to break down our self-made barriers to fulfilling our calling, we turn our attention today to the barrier of comfort.  We naturally migrate toward things that make us more comfortable.  No one desires things that make them uncomfortable.  Yet God’s calling on our lives may lead us to places that stretch us […]

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Breaking Barriers: Fear

When it comes to sharing our faith, many Christians struggle to do so on a regular basis.  It usually goes along the lines of “I would but…” One of the reasons we struggle to fulfill our calling by Jesus to go and reach the world with His love is because we build barriers in our […]

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