It is hard to find words to share in the midst of the current crisis. As soon as we feel like we might understand the new “normal,” things change again. It is hard not to panic… especially when many of us are looking at either potential major medical concerns, challenging financial strain, or both. This crisis is not going to disappear over night. But neither is our God!
“God does not change like shifting shadows” – James 1:17
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” – Hebrews 13:8
In the middle of world that is changing faster than we can read the news, it is hard to feel like anything is unchanging. But our God is with us in this! It is to this truth we must constantly return. This crisis has not caught Him off guard. He knew it was coming, He knows what you are facing, and HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!
We always talk about what it means to be the church. To be the hands and feet of Christ. There is no better time to put those words into action. Yes, we each are struggling or will find ourselves struggling in one way or another. Yes, we are being asked to socially distance ourselves from others. But we can still help, serve, love, and care for one another. We live in an age of amazing technological capabilities. Just yesterday, we had perhaps our lowest attendance of all time “in” service…but we worshiped nevertheless. The fascinating thing is that we also had one of our highest attendances of all time yesterday “participating” with the service. The Facebook Live steam, with the follow up video link, was well “attended” and we saw individuals who have never attended our church join us in worship yesterday from their homes. And while the physical attendance was low yesterday, we had three first time visitors join us! While our world may be in crisis mode, our God is still at work reaching people’s hearts—and He is going to use you to do it!
Use the technology and other means at your disposal this week to connect with other people. If nothing else, pick up your landline and call someone. Check in with them. Pray with them and for them.
God is with us and will see us through this. But God is also calling for us to be the church in this. To love others, to serve “the least of these,” to see our neighbors and care for them.
Don’t let any virus, any fear, any worry stop you from being a faithful follower of Jesus. He is at work in this!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan