It’s Monday morning and I know you’re all sad that we are now 364 days away from the next Annual Church Family Meeting! Ok, so probably no one is thinking that but I did want to thank all of you who made it a point to stay after service yesterday and join in on the time together. We had larger than usual attendance…over 70% of those in worship stayed for the meeting! I’m excited to see what God is going to do in us and through us this year as we continue to work together to glorify Him and reach our friends, neighbors, and community with the grace of Jesus Christ!
As we continue to move forward from yesterday’s meeting, please keep the search process for the Family Ministry Director in prayer! The Leadership Team and myself are fully committed to following God’s directives in this process and want to hire the person He is calling to serve at HBIC. While I hope the process will go quickly and smoothly so that we can meet this new person soon, it is more important to us to go at God’s pace than my preference! Patience is not my strong-suit but I’m working on it, LOL! God’s timing is perfect and mine is not 🙂
As we prepare to make the calendar page flip to February, please plan on joining us on Sunday, February 16th for a fellowship meal following worship. The Bundys will be with us from Spain where they serve as missionaries with Brethren in Christ World Missions. It should be a great morning of worship as we hear what God is doing around the world and then as we gather for a tasty lunch together. If you’re able to attend, please sign up with the insert that will be in this week’s bulletin or email the church office.
Finally, I wanted to again invite you to join me at two different Brethren in Christ denominational conferences this year. The first is our regional conference and will be held on Saturday, March 28 at Pequea BIC Church. The second is the General Assembly of the BIC held every two years. It is being held this year from July 10-14 in Salina, KS. If you are interested in attending either of these gatherings with me to hear what God is doing through our larger church family around the world, please let me know by February 15th so I can get you registered!
Have a great week walking in the grace, love, and mercy of our amazing God!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan