As we come into the fall season, I wanted to extend an invitation for each of you to join us this year at Quiet Waters. For two or three years now, several of us have been sharing about our experiences at the Quiet Waters Prayer Retreat in Tennessee. These experiences are hard to explain because they are so personal and uniquely touching as God has met each of us in the moment just where we needed Him.
At the same time, there’s nothing particularly special about these three days away. Only that they are three days carved out simply to spend time with God in worship, prayer, and listening. You could find this type of carved-out time at home. The problem is that many of us can’t find quiet space in the hubbub of our own homes and day-to-day lives. I’m not sure about your house but with a three year old and a four month old, there’s not much quiet or much alone time in my house!
Perhaps God is nudging you to find some time with Him. If you are interested in this three day hiatus, please let me know! We’re trying to keep it as affordable as possible to go this year. We’ve rented a 12 passenger van (with extra leg room!) and a five bedroom cabin. The final cost is only $75/person plus your travel meals. We’ll be leaving the church at 6 am on November 7th and return around 6 pm on November 9th.
Spend some time asking God if this might be a three day focused time for you and Him to be together!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan
PS—Hope to see you at our new bible study on Thursday morning at 10 am if it fits your schedule!
Also, don’t miss out on our fall Sunday School kick off this weekend! Pastor Kimber will be starting a new adult class on Spiritual Disciplines…it is a class you DO NOT want to miss!
The elementary class (2nd—6th grade) is also starting a new series through the book of 1 Samuel. I think they’re going to give me and all of you who have been walking through our current sermon series through Samuel a run for our money on who knows more about King Saul, King David, and Who ultimately is sitting on our throne!