Weekly Update 7.8.19

By this time next week, we’ll be half way through July and, therefore, half way through the summer!  How this is possible, I do not know!  Yet here we are.  I hope you have been able to find times in the sun to relax and enjoy yourself.  It seems the faster the summer goes, the harder it is to remember upcoming events and gatherings. Things seem so far away and then suddenly they were yesterday (or maybe it is just me!).  So here for you this week is a list of all of our big upcoming dates so they don’t pass you by!

This Friday, July 13—Free Coffee and Donuts Drive Thru from 7:00—9:00 am.  Come eat, come serve!

Next Tuesday, July 16—Youth outing for Laser tag, meeting at the church at noon

Next Wednesday, July 17—The Dwelling Place Prayer and Worship Service at 7:00 pm

Saturday, July 27—Men’s Breakfast at 8:00.  It’s a covered dish so bring something good to eat 🙂 (This is brand new to the calendar…you may not have even received an email announcement about it yet!)

Friday, August 2—Free Coffee and Donuts Drive Thru from 7:00—9:00 am. Come eat, come serve!

Monday, August 5—Youth Pool and Ice Cream Party at the Frey’s at noon!

Saturday, August 24—Annual Summer Splash! Picnic Lunch at noon followed by outdoor worship at 1:30 pm and Slip ‘N Slide at 3:00 pm.  Come for a part or come for the whole day!  (There will be no Sunday service on August 25th)

Sunday, September 8—Sunday School Kick Off with Pastor Pancake Breakfast at 9:00 am

Did you happen to notice that six of these eight events include food?  Just a happy coincidence?  Probably not!

Wherever you find yourself today, I hope you find God right there with you!  It’s easy in the business of the summer to forget that He is with you.  Through all the ups and downs, He never leaves your side.  May you experience His presence today!


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan