Weekly Update 6.17.19

Usually I write these weekly updates relatively early on Monday mornings.  I don’t always get around to emailing them right away but they tend to be written before mid-morning. Yet today I found myself doing a hundred other things before coming to this particular task.  Even as I sit here at almost noon, I just can’t seem to find inspiration on what to say today.

That might sound depressing or negative but it is really the opposite!  I find myself reflecting on so many things this morning.  As I reply to emails from the weekend, wrap up some odds and ends from yesterday’s service, and work on some future planning for coming weeks, I find myself simply excited about what God is doing in and through our church family.  There’s nothing particularly big or overly exciting.  There’s nothing groundbreaking.  Just little “God moments” happening here and there.  Small things that almost go unnoticed if you’re not looking for them.

I have no doubts at all that God is working—in my life, in the life of our church, and, hopefully, in your life as well!

I can’t seem to think about one particular thing to share today because there are just so many great little things happening and I just can’t seem to piece all these wonderful little nuggets into one cohesive thought.  It’s like a great giant puzzle.  The pieces are all amazingly wonderful because each one is a gift from God…so much so that I haven’t even looked at the box for the big picture.  I’m just enjoying each piece as God lays them before my eyes today.

I hope you are seeing these wondrous pieces in your life today too.  As you worship with us each week, as you do life with our brothers and sisters at HBIC, I hope you are seeing God at work too!  If you are seeing these “God moments,” I would love if you would share them with me!  Even if you just shoot me a quick email (pastorjan@hbicchurch.com), I’d love to hear what God is doing for you.  The more I hear about what God is doing in our church family, the more excited I get about what He is going to do!  If you’re not currently seeing any of these moments in your life, may I encourage you to keep looking?  As we said yesterday, God is ALWAYS at work, He is ALWAYS victorious!  Maybe it’s time for you to step into something new for God so He has a new opportunity to show up in your life?

Have a great week enjoying whatever “pieces” God blesses you with!


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan