Weekly Update 4.15.19

On Palm Sunday, the nation of Israel welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem as their long awaited king.  They  spread their coats on the ground like a modern-day red carpet and waved palm branches like modern-day foam fingers (ok, that might be a lose translation).  They shouted out “Hosanna,” which means  God save us now.  They were convinced the time had come, that God was stepping in, that things were about to change.  And they were right.  The time had come, God was stepping in, things were changing—just not the way they expected!

Yesterday, we raised the question of whether or not we also are welcoming Jesus as the king we want or the King He truly is.  While they may be the same thing, they aren’t always.  We, like the nation of Israel, can often try to put God into a box of our own making and expect Him to only do what we would allow Him to do.

But that didn’t work for Jesus!  The very next day on Monday, He literally began to flip their world upside down.  As He entered the temple to worship, Jesus was aghast at what was going on.  The worship of God had been turned into a profit-making ordeal and Jesus was having none of it.  He flipped the money changers’ tables and drove the sacrificial animals out of the courtyard.  It didn’t take very long for the people to begin second-guessing their declaration of “Hosanna.”

I found myself wondering this morning, in light of Jesus’ Monday that first Passion week, what would my Messiah want to flip over in my life today?  As I declared Him my King during our time of worship yesterday, what would He have to say if He walked into my home, my office, or my neighborhood today?  Would it be a simple but profound “well done my good and faithful servant” or would there be a few “tables” He’d want to start flipping over? Perhaps we all need spend a few minutes today with our King asking Him that very question.


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan


P.S.—Looking forward to spending time together this week as we countdown to the cross and ultimately an empty tomb!

Wednesday—dinner @6:00, service @6:45

Friday—movie, reflection, prayer time @7:00

Sunday—Easter Worship Service @10:15


Also, looking ahead, mark your calendars and get involved!

Saturday, April 27—Chicken BBQ

Help needed at 10:00am to serve meals

Saturday, May 4—Mom’s House Service Event

Help needed from 9:00-12:00 to serve the moms and their children