It’s the final countdown! A week from today, we’ll be gathering at 6:00 pm for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service which will officially usher in the start of our Christmas! A week from tomorrow we will be celebrating with our family and friends the joyous advent of Jesus on earth!
As we celebrate next week , the countdown to Christmas will end. Christmas will arrive. The adventure we’ve been on rushing around shopping, baking, and wrapping will reach the climax and come to a resolution as the kids tear open the gifts and uncle Bob eats too many cookies. On December 26th, the adventure of Christmas will be behind us.
But is that all the adventure of Christmas is for you? I hope not. I hope that the adventure of Christmas and celebrating with your family is just one small part of your fuller adventure of walking with Christ. Christmas is all about Christ but it isn’t the whole story. Jesus’ own adventure on earth didn’t end at the manger. It went well beyond that stable with a few shepherds hanging about. Jesus’ story continues on the road. It continues as He teaches. It continues as He hangs on a cross. It continues with an empty tomb. It continues in you and me!
Our adventure doesn’t end with advent. Our adventures continue each days as we make the conscious choice to live for Jesus, walking in expectancy of His return, open to His calling, and eagerly and actively pursuing Him in the waiting.
What does December 26th look like for you? I hope it’s another BIG day on your never ending adventure with Jesus!
I am so looking forward to walking this unending adventure with you and I can’t wait to see you this Sunday as our kids help to lead our service, after a delicious breakfast, and tell us the story of that first Christmas. See you then!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan