Weekly Update 9.10.18

Allison left for Boston yesterday for the week.  Her company sent her to a training for something that I have no understanding of (one of these days I should take a chemistry class so I can pretend to know what my wife is talking about!).  After dropping her off at the airport, I went to pick Allan up at his friends house where he had been having a playdate rather than spending three hours in the car with me.  As he and I headed home, there was that moment of realization in my heart that for the rest of the week he’s all mine.  I get to be a single parent… all of the hugs, all of the tantrums, all of the reluctance to eat his veggies—it’s all mine.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love being a dad and have no problem leading the charge while Allison is away for business.  However, there is still that overwhelming pressure that he’s all mine—I’m it, I’m responsible, I’m in charge.

Yesterday, we ended the sermon on this same thought.  We prayed “if it’s true that You use broken things then here I am Lord I’m all yours.”  We offered ourselves fully to God and said we’re all His.  In many ways like Allan is all mine this week—we will have moments of joy with God, moments where we throw tantrums, moments where we stubbornly refuse to “eat” the healthy, spiritual nutritious events He sets before us.  And yet we are His.  He is it.  He is in charge.  And we give ourselves to Him.  Oh that we would bring Him joy and serve Him willingly!

So what is God asking you to do this week?  What new thing is He asking you to try?  A few possibilities as we look at some upcoming events at HBIC…

  • Is God asking you to devote yourself to prayer more? Join us for the Dwelling Place on Wednesday night at 7pm for prayer and worship.  This is a great opportunity to crave out some specific time to be with God and hear His voice.
  • Is God asking you to dig into His word more? Join us Sunday for the kick off of the fall Sunday School season.  There will be classes for all ages!  Come dig into God’s word together!
  • Is God asking you to spend some extended time with Him? Join us for the Quiet Waters Retreat in Tennessee.  Yes, it’s a commitment of time and some finances but trust me, it is well worth it.  This is a great opportunity to simply get away and spend some time with God—listening to His voice, worshipping Him, and praying.  As teenagers, many of us went on retreats to dig into God more — why did we stop?  Adults need these times as well!

Let’s do something for God this week!  Big or small, doesn’t matter…let’s take a step closer to Him!


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan