Weekly Update 5.7.18

All of you is more than enough for all of me

For every thirst and every need

You satisfy me with Your love

And all I have in You is more than enough

~Enough by Chris Tomlin


We hear these words on the radio, we sing them in our worship services, but do we actually mean them?  This was the main question and challenge yesterday in our time together—is Jesus enough? We all want to say yes and feel good about ourselves but if we put feeling aside and looked at our lives practically, are we living like Jesus is enough?  The crowds in John 6 probably would have said Jesus was enough for them…of course, they would have meant that Jesus plus everything He brings to the table was enough.  In fact, the would have been ok to leave Jesus out and just get the stuff.  But what about us?  Is Jesus enough for you?

It’s easy to proclaim Jesus is enough but it’s another thing to live that way.  When Jesus is all we need and all we want, our priorities change.  We still work hard to provide for our family but earning “enough” money is less the goal than depending on God’s provision.  When Jesus is all I need, the use and investment of my time changes because it’s not my time, it’s His time.

Following Jesus fully and completely is not an easy thing.  It is a hard calling and yet, when we truly know Jesus as Lord and Savior, we have no where else to go.  We echo Peter’s words in John 6:68-69 —”to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.  We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan