This past week, I’ve been reminded of how short life can be. Allison’s great-great aunt passed away on Wednesday and on Sunday morning my grandmother passed away. Both of these women were very influential in each of our lives and it’s hard to say goodbye. It’s amazing how long some weeks can feel and yet 80-ish years don’t seem long enough. It’s in these moments, we set our eyes on what eternity will be like…when we will be together with one another and our Savior forever. Not just a few days, not just a few years, but for eternity. I can’t even wrap my mind around what that looks like. Will we even bother keeping track of the time or just revel in knowing it will never end? There are days I wish I could repeat with these special women. There are days I wish I would have spent differently. But we know we will see them again! This life is short but it’s also just the foreword to the rest of our unending story together with Jesus!
And so we need to make our days here count because, unlike our eternity with Jesus, these days are limited! How are you investing your days? Are you being a good steward of the time you’ve been given? We have multiple opportunities coming up to invest our time in serving others. This weekend is our 3rd weekend of Upward as well as the Chicken BBQ. The following week is the Go Beyond Week of Service where you can donate blood, pack meals for those in need, and help clean up Lancaster city. All of these events could simply be something “to do” and yet they also could be an investment. While “doing” these things, you’ll be connecting with people. People who need a kind word, people who need to experience love and grace, people who need to meet Jesus. Our time and their time is limited. Let’s make sure we’re investing our time in the mission Jesus has given us to reach others with His love in whatever way we can!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan