Weekly Update 4.16.18

Welcome to the weather twilight zone!  Snow a week ago, beach weather on Saturday, and monsoon season today.  We’re experiencing a whole year of weather patterns in only a week!  In the midst of constant change like this, it’s amazing to take a step back and reflect on the unchanging nature of our God.  He is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).  No matter what the world throws at us, no matter how much things change, God is constant.  He is our rock and our foundation.  We can cling to Him as our anchor in the middle of the storms of life (or blizzards and downpours in this case)!

We’re excited to hear how God is moving in the lives of the Owens’ family.  He has placed yet another call in their hearts to “come follow me.”  As John shared yesterday, they feel like they’re currently on “God’s traveling team.”  While we’re excited to see God at work and the family faithfully answering His call, it is hard to think about the Owens not being with us each week as we worship together.  But even in this mixture of joy and sadness, we can reflect on God’s unchanging faithfulness.  Just as He as called them out in service to Tennessee, He is already preparing a call for others to serve here at HBIC.  Let us faithfully pray for the Owens as they take this step in faith as well as pray for those God may be calling here as well!

As I mentioned yesterday, we had an AMAZING kick-off to the game portion of the Upward season.  While it was a little warm, it was perfectly dry and sunny—which is close to a miracle after the past few seasons!  We are excited to have week #2 of games this Saturday with a current forecast of sun (Pray that this stays through the week!).  If you weren’t able to join us this past weekend, we’d love to see you out this Saturday serving and connecting with all of these families from our community!

Have a great week full of change yet grounded in an unchanging God!


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan



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