Weekly Update 1.22.18

So did you climb out of your box a little yesterday?  Did you open your ears to hear in a new way?  I hope that you were challenged yesterday by the truth that we can hear God’s Spirit speaking to us.  I know for many of us this is going to stretch us in some ways…but that’s good.  As we grow in our relationship with the Holy Spirit, we need to work on our communication skills and that starts by listening.  I know several of you were writing things down during our listening time and some of us were not —- and that’s ok!  God will speak to each of us in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.  We can’t rush Him.  We can’t control Him.  We can only love Him and create quiet spaces to be in His presence! My hope is that we begin to create more opportunities in our daily routines to simply be with God and allow His Spirit to speak to us.  How will you create space this week?

One opportunity is our Dwelling Place service.  We will be meeting again this Wednesday at 7pm for prayer and worship.  As I mentioned yesterday, this is a great chance just to come and be silent before God, to create space to listen and enjoy His presence.  I know it’s a bit backward to think adding one more thing to your busy schedule will help you slow down to hear God but that’s what the Dwelling Place is!

As I mentioned briefly yesterday, we are planning a special Lenten Season with Dwelling Places each Wednesday, February 21 through March 28.  These will be similar to our regular Dwelling Place services but with a focus on the coming Easter celebration.  It will be a great time to not only practice our listening skills but also prepare our hearts for Christ’s victory over sin and death!  In addition to the service, a light meal will also be provided at 6pm each Wednesday.  If you are interested in joining us, please sign up on the bulletin board in the church lobby to help us get a better estimate for the food.  No one wants to listen to their stomach talking when they’re trying to hear God speak 🙂   If you are interested in attending the Dwelling Place but are in need of childcare, please let the church office know.

What is God trying to tell you today?  Open your ears, open your heart and let the Spirit speak!


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan