Happy New Year! It’s January again…which happens to be my favorite month of the year as everything has my name on it (ok, it’s not really my favorite month but almost everything does say “Jan.” on it!). I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year’s celebrating with family and friends and are ready to embark on a new year together.
Yesterday, I kicked off a new series called “More.” I also assigned everyone a New Year’s Resolution. We, as a church family, are going to experience more of God in 2018 and we’re going to do it together! As I mentioned yesterday, resolutions are hard because the require work; but when it comes to connecting more with God, He’s already done the hard work! Perhaps as a first practical step toward more of God, you could plan to join us this Wednesday at The Dwelling Place for our bi-weekly time of prayer and worship. Another option (brownie points for doing both!) would be to participate in the BIC’s week of prayer and fasting. You can find the daily devotions here.
If you haven’t heard yet, Hempfield School District is releasing students early today due to the expected freezing rain. Per HBIC policy, when school is closed so is the church. All evening meeting and Monday Night Sport Ministry are canceled tonight. Spend the evening at home reading a good book (maybe your BIC Prayer & Fasting devotional!) or doing a puzzle. I forgot to mention yesterday but there are several puzzles available in the lobby for the puzzle-lovers among you. If you’d like to borrow one during the cold winter months, feel free to pick one up!
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our annual church meeting on Sunday, January 28th following the worship service. I know these aren’t the most riveting meetings but it’s important that we all have these times together as we look into the new year. I will try my best to keep the meeting engaging (and short!). Hope to see you there! And while you’re looking at your calendars, pencil in the Lenten season. This annual time to prepare our hearts for our Savior’s resurrection begins the 2nd full week of February and runs through Easter Sunday on April 1st. We have something special in the works but I won’t tell you what it is yet…for now just leave some space on the calendar and we’ll talk soon!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan