“Be still and watch”…as I closed the sermon yesterday, we were challenged to simply be still and see what God would do in the challenges we’re each facing. Funny thing is, I feel like since that closing statement yesterday I’ve done everything but “being still.” Isn’t it amazing how life moves so quickly? We have the best intentions of being still and spending time with God and watching Him work and yet we almost never do. Perhaps we need to start slow and move progressively toward this goal. What if I challenged you to spend a simple 5 minutes today just being with God. Take 5 minutes just to listen to God. Five minutes just to share your heart—not just listing your concerns but simply saying “God, here’s where I’m at and I’m here now to be still with you.” Maybe you could do this right now…really, stop reading this and be still right now! Or maybe before you eat dinner tonight (the food might get a little cold but that’s what microwaves are for!). Or maybe as you lay down to sleep tonight you could just take a few minutes to listen to God, to hear and see what He is doing in your life. He is with you! He is walking through all the up’s and down’s at your side. Take 5 minutes and be still and see what God does!
While I don’t want to distract you from the “homework” I just assigned, I do want to quickly remind you about the special offering we have coming up this Sunday. Our Deacons do an amazing job of coordinating our care ministry at HBIC. They organize meals for families, visit the sick, and meet financial needs in our community. We’d like to take up an extra offering this Sunday to supplement their funds so that they can continue to help those in need. If you have been blessed through their ministry or if you are looking for a way to bless others, I would encourage you to pray about giving this coming Sunday to the Deacon Fund. You can either mark the extra gift on your regular offering envelop or give at the end of the service in the offering plates located at the back door. Thank you in advance for giving to continue helping those in need.
Summer is flying by but that’s no excuse not to stop and be still. What is God trying to teach you this summer? How is God trying to bless you and you’re too busy to notice? Let’s stop for just 5 minutes today and every day this week and start to spend some time listening to Him.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan