What did you do yesterday? Did it go according to your plan? Several of you shared with me yesterday after the service that you also struggle in the area of planning ahead. The second half of James 4 really brings to light the subtle but profound way we tend to ignore God and walk in our own arrogance. The future is His, we are His, and our plans need to be flexible and open to change if He leads us to change them! I hope you will join me in humbly coming before God each morning and laying your plans before Him!
And as you plan and seek God’s plan, would you consider a few things to put on your calendar for this summer? I know it’s a busy time of year as we enjoy vacation and time by the pool but please plan on joining us in two weeks at our annual Picnic at the Pond! On Sunday, June 25th we’ll meet at the pond for our worship service, a potluck meal, and some refreshing swimming in the pond. I’m looking forward to enjoying my first pond experience with you all 🙂 Also, the Wednesday before the Pond (June 21st) is our next Dwelling Place Service. What better way to lay your plans before God than to set an extra night aside for corporate prayer and worship! I hope you will all plan to join us as we worship our Savior and pray for our church, our country, and our families.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan