“ Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. ” – James 2:15-17
Yesterday afternoon, Allison looked at me and said “I’m cold.” I lovingly responded, in light of the sermon, “Go in peace and be warm!” Needless to say, she didn’t appreciate my words of blessing! Hopefully, we were all challenged yesterday to put our faith into action and are doing a better job than I did as a husband. (Don’t worry, she knew I was kidding and that I really do love her!)
This is a big week for us as a church…lots of things going on and lots of opportunities to put our faith into action. It’s easy to gather on a Sunday morning and talk about what our faith should look like, but it’s a lot harder to actually do what we talk about. What does it actually look like to “go beyond” and serve our neighbors, co-workers, and church family? I don’t know but I’m excited to hear what God leads you to do this week! Be sure to share your stories with me or the church office so we can celebrate God’s work through our family in a few weeks! (email: pastorjan@hbicchurch.com)
As a reminder of some of the opportunities you have this week:
- GAiN food packing is Thursday night from 6-8 pm. Contact Lee Keefer if you’re able to join us. (lkeefer54@gmail.com)
- The Dwelling Place Prayer and Worship service is Wednesday night at 7pm. While this isn’t necessarily “going,” it is a great opportunity to pray for our community and spend some time listening to God on how He’d like you to “go beyond.”
- Saturday is our final Upward Game day with a double header. All hands are needed to make this a great day of soccer, fellowship, and outreach. Contact Leslie Spurrier if you’re able to serve. (lesliehbic@gmail.com)
- Anytime during your week, do a TAK (targeted act of kindness). There’s so much going on that we wanted to provided an opportunity to “go beyond” within your regular schedule. Who is God calling you to overflow your faith into action with this week?
Looking forward to SEEING your faith this week!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan