Weekly Update 3.6.17

Wow!  What a Sunday!  There was such a sense of love and fellowship yesterday as we launched into our new “Parables of Lent” series and celebrated Pastor Kimber’s birthday.  The lobby was so full after service with people connecting and celebrating I could hardly get through to the cake (and you all know how tough it was for me to be separated from cake!).


I want to thank you all for continuing to be the hands and feet of Christ.  Yesterday, I shared some continuing needs for our upcoming Upward Soccer season and many of those requests have ALREADY been answered!  We now officially have coaches for all of our teams as well as assistant coaches for most!  As you all continue to pray over this ministry, we are seeing God answer those prayers!  Please continue to pray as we prepare for the first practices to start in two weeks.  Pray over the needed scholarship funds.  Also pray for the coaches as they begin to connect with their teams and parents.  These connections, these “doors,” are the vital part of this ministry as we connect, grow together, and are able to share the love of Jesus with the kids, their parents, and even their extended families.  I can’t wait to see what God is going to do this year as we all work together and continue to pray God’s blessing over this outreach!


In the midst of God moving and do great things for this Upward season, let’s not forget to spend some time focusing and preparing for this Easter season as well.  We can get so busy with the flow of life that it can be hard to pause and reflect on the many gifts of God.  As we head toward Easter, would you join us each week as we explore the Parables of Jesus and dig deeper into what we receive at the cross?  Yesterday, we explored the gift of justification…that we are made right, realigned with God through Jesus’ work on the cross.  How amazing is it that God, through His great love for us, decided to fix our sin for us?  Let’s spend some time reflecting and responding to God’s gracious gift!  And again, I know these quiet, responsive times can be hard to carve out…but you have a great opportunity this Wednesday night at 7pm!  Join us for The Dwelling Place as we pray to and praise our awesome Savior!  Hope to see you there!


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan