The weather sure has been like a roller coaster lately! Up and down the temperature goes! Of course, I’m not complaining as I have been loving these warmer days…very much like a South Carolina winter! I think God is helping to ease me back into the cold northern winters 🙂
Of course, these warmer days also get me thinking about springtime. Spring will be here before you know it…flowers will start to bloom, the snow will be long gone, and the air will be fresh with the scents of springtime. And don’t forget the sounds of kids playing soccer! I have heard so many great things about our Upwards Soccer program and I am excited to be a part of it this year. I know many of you have participated in the past and have put in a lot of your time and effort. I would like to encourage you to join us again (or for the first time) this year! Many hands make light work! Consider giving just a few minutes of your time even just one of the 10 weeks to help out. Or maybe you could adopt a team—coach the kids, get to know the families, and share the light of Christ with them! This is a great opportunity to be “a light on a hill”…won’t you join us?
As I shared yesterday, as believers in Jesus, we each carry the Spirit of God with us wherever we go. And we are not called to keep God’s Spirit hidden inside of us. No, we are called to share and shine His light in every place we set our foot. Whether on the soccer field or at the grocery store and everywhere else in between—how are you shining the light of Christ and sharing the Spirit within you? Get out and do something new for God this week!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan